How to Calculate Your Home Loan EMI

When you take out a home loan, repaying it involves a series of monthly payments known as Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs). Understanding what an EMI is and how it is calculated can help you better manage your finances and plan your budget effectively.

What Is Home Loan EMI?

An Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) is the fixed monthly payment you make to your lender to repay your home loan over a specified period. Each EMI consists of two components:

  1. Principal: The original loan amount borrowed.

  2. Interest: The cost of borrowing the principal amount.

EMIs are designed to be equal amounts paid at regular intervals, typically monthly, until the loan is fully repaid.

Importance of EMIs

  1. Financial Planning: Knowing your EMI amount helps in budgeting and ensuring you have enough funds each month to cover your loan repayment.

  2. Creditworthiness: Timely payment of EMIs improves your credit score, making you a more attractive borrower for future loans.

  3. Loan Tenure Management: By understanding your EMIs, you can choose a loan tenure that balances monthly affordability with overall interest costs.

How Is Home Loan EMI Calculated?

The EMI for a home loan is calculated using the following formula:

EMI=P×r×(1+r)n(1+r)n−1EMI = frac{P times r times (1 + r)^n}{(1 + r)^n - 1}EMI=(1+r)n1P×r×(1+r)n


  • P = Principal loan amount

  • r = Monthly interest rate (annual interest rate divided by 12 and then divided by 100)

  • n = Number of monthly installments (loan tenure in years multiplied by 12)

Let’s break down the steps to calculate EMI:

  1. Determine the Principal Amount (P): This is the loan amount you have borrowed from the lender.

  2. Find the Monthly Interest Rate (r): If the annual interest rate is 8%, the monthly interest rate would be 812×100=0.00667frac{8}{12 times 100} = 0.0066712×1008=0.00667.

  3. Calculate the Number of Installments (n): For a loan tenure of 20 years, n=20×12=240n = 20 times 12 = 240n=20×12=240.

Example Calculation

Suppose you take a loan of ₹50,00,000 at an annual interest rate of 8% for 20 years. Here’s how you would calculate the EMI:

  • Principal (P) = ₹50,00,000

  • Monthly interest rate (r) = 0.00667

  • Number of installments (n) = 240

Plug these values into the formula:

EMI=50,00,000×0.00667×(1+0.00667)240(1+0.00667)240−1EMI = frac{50,00,000 times 0.00667 times (1 + 0.00667)^{240}}{(1 + 0.00667)^{240} - 1}EMI=(1+0.00667)240150,00,000×0.00667×(1+0.00667)240

Using this formula, the EMI comes out to approximately ₹41,822.

Tools for EMI Calculation

While the manual calculation can be complex, numerous online EMI calculators can simplify the process. These calculators require you to input the principal amount, interest rate, and loan tenure, instantly providing the EMI amount.

Factors Affecting EMI

  1. Interest Rate: Higher interest rates increase the EMI amount.

  2. Loan Tenure: A longer tenure reduces the EMI but increases the total interest paid over the life of the loan.

  3. Principal Amount: Larger loan amounts result in higher EMIs.


Understanding what a home loan EMI is and how it is calculated is crucial for managing your home loan effectively. By comprehending the factors that influence your EMI and using online tools for precise calculations, you can make informed decisions about your home loan, ensuring it aligns with your financial goals and budget constraints.

Read more:

What Is Home Loan EMI And How Is It Calculated?

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